Headin for Dawn

Headin for Dawn


A collection of poems featuring universal themes. Heading for Dawn is all about finding the meaning in everything and finding that light is always more powerful than darkness. Telling the story of transforming pain into wisdom and thereby creating greater joy and serenity, the poems are a declaration of love for life.Uddrag af bogenTrusting Life My trust in life grows as I see beauty unfold in my life. When I see that it is real and not just something I imagine, I am completely speechless and utterly happy. I embrace life and make it mine now that I know living is worth it. To think that life can be so bright and marvelous!What a wonderful feeling it is to trust life. Om forfatterenAyse Polat was born and raised in Denmark. She is a qualified life coach with a deep interest in personal development. Having engaged in creative endeavors since childhood, Ayse loves playing the harp and writing. Other interests include languages and literature.

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